Make sure it’s always fully booked, promote your AirBnB to 200,000 Tokyo travellers every month!
AirBnB is getting more and more competitive, so having a popular listing with a stack of good ratings is the best way to get ahead. Make sure you get the maximum bookings and the most views to your listings, promote your listing to over 200 thousand readers every month with Air Kitty.

What’s Included?
Your accommodation listing is promoted at various key positions across the Tokyo Cheapo website. Your listing will appear in the most prominent spot for readers who are looking at booking accommodation in Tokyo. The three main places are as follows:
Accommodation Listing Page
Your property will be listed in our accommodation section with a booking link direct to your AirBnB page.
We take the details and main image from your AirBnB listing to make a succinct listing.
Example: Here’s an example listing live on our website.
Listing On Blog Posts
Tokyo Cheapo gets over half a million page views every month, your listing will get exposure in the “Recommended accommodation” section in the middle of our blog posts.
Air Kitty Premium listings get a priority slot (so that’s up to half a million pages views on your listing) and Air Kitty Basic listings have an equal share of the remaining slots.
Example: See any blog post on our site, and scroll down about 1/3rd to see the “Recommended accommodation” section.
Social Media Promotion
Your listing will also get a mention in our popular social media feeds. Basic listings are tweeted once every 6 months, and Premium listings every month.
Example: Here’s one of our airbnb tweets.
Listings Section
Your AirBnB will be promoted in the accommodation section under “Vacation Rentals”. Air Kitty Premium listings are featured at the top of the listings.
Example: See the vacation rentals section of our site.
Premium Or Basic?
There are two Air Kitty listing types to choose from, Premium and Basic.
Premium listings are promoted on our home page, are featured at top of the accommodation listings as well as having priority over basic listings in the “recommended accommodation” slot on blog posts. . Premium listing will receive over 5 times the exposure of Basic listings, making them best value for money and best for exposure. Typically a Premium listing will receive half a million page views per month.
Basic listings appear in the same places as Premium listings, but with a lower priority.
Feature | Air Kitty Basic | Air Kitty Premium |
Accommodation Page | yes | yes |
Accommodation Listing | Standard | Featured |
Blog Page Listing | Standard | Priority |
Home Page Listing | no | yes |
Social Media Mention | every 6 months | every month |
Price | 10,000yen /month | 50,000yen /month |