A stand-up comedy show in English about failures in relationships and love with Victor Patrascan & Luana Matei. Laugh along as brilliant comedians take you through their life, romantic adventures, dating successes, but mostly failures, and much more…
Tickets cost ¥3,500 in advance, ¥4,000 on the door, ¥3,000 for groups of 4+, and ¥2,000 for students.
- Jun. 19 (Mon.): From 8 p.m. at Tokyo Comedy Bar
- Jun. 20 (Tue.): From 8 p.m. at Tokyo Comedy Bar
- Jun. 21 (Wed.): From 8 p.m. at Good Heavens
- Jun. 22 (Thu.): From 9:30 p.m. at Tokyo Comedy Bar
- Jun. 23 (Fri.); From 9:30 p.m. at Tokyo Comedy Bar
- Jun. 24 (Sat.); From 9:00 p.m. at Tokyo Comedy Bar
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Advance sales: ¥3,500
At the door: ¥4,000
Advance sales: ¥2,000