The Pirates of Tokyo Bay is a short-form improv comedy group in Tokyo. A similar style to “Whose Line is it Anyway?”, this show will be in both English and Japanese, so there’s something for everyone!
Tickest range from ¥1,500 for balcony, ¥2,000 for main floor, ¥2,300 for front row or table access and ¥7,000 – ¥8,000 for a group section. All tickets include a drink.
Organizers may cancel events, alter schedules, or change admission requirements without notice. Always check official sites before heading to an event.Add to Calendar
- 167 m from Ebisu Station Hibiya Line (H2)Yamanote Line (JY21)
- 434 m from Daikanyama Station Tōkyū Tōyoko Line (TY2)
- 0.9 km from Naka-meguro Station Hibiya Line (H1)Tōkyū Tōyoko Line (TY3)