Sun, Dec

Koke no Koromo: A Dress of Moss

6:30pm – 8:30pm
¥3,000 (advance sales)¥3,500 (on the door)

This is an art live performance event reflecting on a symbol of Wabi-Sabi, which is deeply rooted in Japanese culture. Most Japanese gardens, also known as Zen gardens, have moss and are thought to be incomplete without it. The Japanese national anthem even contains the word “moss” (In English: “May your world go on for thousands of years / Until pebbles merge into one giant rock and covered with moss.”) This performance theme is prosperity, the beauty of moss, and the time axis of stones and Wabi-Sabi. The featured artist, Ibuki Kuramochi will perform Butoh dances and live paintingin collaboration with Japanese musicians who improvise on Shakuhachi and Koto.

The event will take place at Rakudoan in Chiyoda, a few minutes walk from Ogawamachi and Awajicho stations.

Organizers may cancel events, alter schedules, or change admission requirements without notice. Always check official sites before heading to an event.

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