See a unique show at the Tokyo Comedy Bar in Shibuya as international mindreading sensation Santiago Michel comes to the stage. His unique blend of comedy and mindreading is sure to create a night to remember.
What to expect
At Santiago’s first show in Japan, he’ll be performing using a mix of his patented mindreading abilities and a healthy dose of comedy. Expect to see his full repertoire of charm, wit, and dazzling dramatics on display for the night.
Advanced tickets can be purchased for ¥2,500.
Organizers may cancel events, alter schedules, or change admission requirements without notice. Always check official sites before heading to an event.Add to Calendar
Advance sales: ¥2,500
- 207 m from Shibuya Station Fukutoshin Line (C16)Ginza Line (G1)Hanzomon Line (Z1)Yamanote Line (JY20)Keio Inokashira Line (IN1)Tōkyū Den-en-toshi Line (DT1)Tōkyū Tōyoko Line (TY1)
- 0.6 km from Shinsen Station Keio Inokashira Line (IN2)