Rodger + Hammerstein’s Cinderella is the new Broadway adaptation of the classic American musical originally presented on television in 1957, starring Julie Andrews. This contemporary take on a timeless tale features some of Rodgers and Hammerstein’s most beloved songs, including “In My Own Little Corner”, “Impossible/It’s Possible”, and “Ten Minutes Ago” alongside a hilarious and romantic libretto, some delightful new characters, and a few surprising twists!
Screening Times
Thursday May 21st: 7pm
Friday May 22nd: 7 pm
Saturday May 23rd: 1 pm (followed by a free director’s talk) and 7 pm
Sunday May 24th: 1pm and 6pm
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Advance sales: ¥4,500
At the door: ¥5,000
Advance sales: ¥3,000
At the door: ¥3,500
- 234 m from Shinjuku-gyoenmae Station Marunouchi Line (M10)
- 0.6 km from Shinjuku-sanchōme Station Fukutoshin Line (C13)Marunouchi Line (M9)Shinjuku Line (S2)
- 0.7 km from Yotsuya-sanchōme Station Marunouchi Line (M11)