For the Views: 10 Best Mt. Fuji Tours
All the different types of day trips to Japan's most famous mountain.
All the different types of day trips to Japan's most famous mountain.
Explore one of Tokyo's lesser-known foodie spots.
如果你打算來往東京和大阪或東京和京都旅行,乘搭東海道新幹線將會是最方便的選擇;以下我們集合了所有有關日本最繁忙的子彈列車路線重點資訊。 東海道新幹線於 1964 年啟用,是世界上第一條的高速鐵路。時至今天,現由 JR 東海營運,成為了日本最繁忙的新幹線路線,每天載運大量遊客和當地居民在日本兩個人口最多、最受歡迎的城市之間往返。東海道新幹線在京都和大阪停站後,一般會繼續經山陽新幹線路線行駛至九州。 東海道新幹線的重要景點 …
東北新幹線由東京啟程,一路行到本州(日本的重要島嶼)最北端的青森。這條新幹線的沿途風光如畫,皆因它會經過以自然美景,傳統節日和清酒見稱的東北地區。另外,東北新幹線還跟北海道新幹線共用軌道;只是北海道新幹線會經過青森,繼續穿過青函隧道前往北海道。 日本東北地區是由 6 個縣市所組成: 青森縣 (Aomori) 秋田縣 (Akita) 岩手縣 (Iwate) 山形縣 (Yamagata) 宮城縣 (Miyagi) 福島縣 (Fukushima) …
Including fancy sushi, and vegan-friendly options.
山形新幹線係東北新幹線的支線,亦係唯一通往山形縣的新幹線。由東京站啟程,沿住東北新幹線的路線去到福島站 (Fukushima),然後轉入山形新幹線,最終喺山形縣北部嘅新庄站 (Shinjō) 結束。 山形縣有兩樣既出名、又美味的手信 —— 車厘子同牛肉!呢度仲有好多山同溫泉小鎮,冬天嚟滑雪就啱晒喇。可惜的是,好似其他東北地區一樣,國際旅客大多都唔知道呢個地方。 山形新幹線沿途觀光景點推薦 1. 參觀藏王樹冰 (Zaō Snow Monsters) 去體驗一個與別不同的冬日仙景。 …
The only thing you need to read about this bullet train.
From hot springs and museums to shrines and pirate ships, here's our DIY guide.
Everything you need to know about Japan's most popular bullet train.
One for the bucket list.
Pokémon merch, food — and even hotel rooms — await.
See a bunch of Japan's most famous sights in just 3 days.
Take your pick—but make sure you do the polka dots.
The Shinagawa Prince Hotel is a 4-star hotel and entertainment complex. Conveniently located within easy walking distance of Shinagawa Station, this hotel is great for business travelers and couples alike. What's the hotel like? Shinagawa …
Everything you need to know about Japan's fastest—and most modern—bullet-train line.
So you're flying into Haneda Airport and want the lowdown -- then you're in the right place. Whether it's your gateway into Tokyo, or just a layover, here's everything you need to know about Haneda Airport. Haneda Airport: The basics Airport …
Inside scoop: Everything about the Robot Restaurant reopening—including prices, how to get tickets, what's new, and our first impressions.
It's a start, and there are benefits, but marriage equality it is not.
What you need to know for before and after your arrival in Japan.
From the lowdown on the three terminals to where to take a pre-flight nap, here's your ultimate guide to Narita Airport.