The Best Tattoo-Friendly Onsen and Sento Near Tokyo
Where to relax your inked-up body in and around the City.
Where to relax your inked-up body in and around the City.
Nasu is a picturesque town located about two and a half hours northeast of Tokyo that makes for a perfect weekend getaway. There are so many things to do, it is bound to become a favorite spot when you want a break from the city. From parks to …
Where to eat, drink and party in Shinjuku Nichome — Tokyo's gay district.
新宿是我們最喜愛的東京街區之一,與附近的澀谷相比,它稍微優雅一些,遊客少一些,但仍有一大堆好玩零消費(或差不多免費)的活動可以做。這是我們發掘的10個新宿免費景點,按照地理順序排列,讓你可以輕鬆利用此文為新宿一日遊的行程指南,跟著以下景點走,或者找到最接近你的景點前往探索一下。 沒有在當地酒吧小酌幾杯,就不算一敞完滿新宿體驗。參加由當地人領隊的蒲吧之旅 ,走上新宿大街小巷發掘最好玩的日式酒吧、居酒屋體驗。 10 個玩轉新宿的免費景點 各就各位,預備,出發! 1. 四谷消防博物館 …
Tokyo Closet Ball is the leading provider of English-language gender-subversive entertainment in the city.
Going out for a beer after a long day here in Tokyo can be more expensive than getting a meal. That's why we've put together this guide to some of the city's most affordable watering holes. No need to thank us - you can just get the next round. …