Only 5 minutes away from Shinagawa Shrine, Ebara Shrine was founded in 709 and has a famous festival involving mikoshi being carried through water during June.

Ebara Shrine main hall
Ebara Shrine main hall | Photo by Gregory Lane

The shrine is just a small diversion from the Old Tokaido route. If you look to the west from Shinagawa Bridge, you will see a vermillion painted bridge slightly upstream that crosses to the shrine.

Statue of Daikoku
Statue of Daikoku—Japanese god of wealth | Photo by Gregory Lane

Ebara Shrine is more ornate than Shinagawa shrine. The carvings are detailed and it certainly looks stunning.

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Although it’s hard to tell from the surface, a major motorway runs underground through here. The Yamate Tunnel runs directly under this channeled section of the Meguro River.