It’s been over a month since its release in Japan and the Pokémon Go craze is finally starting to go down. After the game released in Japan near the middle of July the hype was truly alive here in Tokyo.

Pokémon fan heading to Tokyo? Don’t miss our guide to Tokyo for Pokémon lovers.

Pokemon Go Tips Tokyo
Photo by Hideya Hamano used under CC

Only a week after its release, we were hearing warnings in the train stations about being careful while using phone applications and walking. But now it seems as if the Pokémon bug has finally been repelled and only the dedicated masters are left wandering the back alleys of Tokyo.

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Sumo Morning Practice Tour at Stable in Tokyo
Try this insider’s experience at a sumo wrestler morning practice session. Enjoy exclusive access to a sumo stable, watching as these massive athletes put themselves through their daily training regimen and go head-to-head.

With the shutdown of the Pokémon locator site PokeVision it seems that people were not ready for the challenge of wandering aimlessly, searching for the rare Pokémon they were missing. Even with Niantic’s tracker updated, any known nests, or groups of the same Pokémon, were changed. How can you find that rare Snorlax or Kabutops now?

Japan has not given up searching for them all! If you are in need of assistance there are several avenues you can take to learn the best places to play.

If you have a free weekend and are not sure what to do, is a great source for meeting people to go hunting for Pokémon with. From Pokémon Go night picnics to pub crawls, the site has exploded with Pokémon Go groups in the last month. If you are Team Valor and want to take over some gyms, there is a group for that. If you just want to wander around Shinjuku Park and grab pizza after, there is a Meetup group for that.

Pokemon Go players at Shinjuku Park
Pokemon Go players at Shinjuku Park | Photo by Devan Baird

Not finding exactly the kind of group you are looking for? Just make your own. Create your own specialized Power Walking and Pokémon Group to transform your butt while you become a Pokémaster.

Facebook Groups

Facebook is also a good resource for learning about nest locations and showing off your catch of the day. The Facebook group Pokémon Go-Team Gaijin is a great place for foreigners to communicate and share their personal Pokémon Go achievements, learn about nest changes, and meet people to go hunting with.

There are specific groups for which team you are on and where in Japan you are located. Facebook might not be the most popular social network in Japan but it has proven to be very useful when it comes to Pokémon Go.

People have been using these websites around Tokyo to meet people, find nests, and search for those rare Pokémon. Its always fun to see parks full of people staring at their phones, moving in a heard from one location to the next searching for new catches.

Pokemon Go fountain
Photo by Brian Miller used under CC

This community can be a great tool for grinding your way into evolving that Charizard you have been dreaming of.

Nest Hints!

To give you a head start here are some known nests around Tokyo. But hurry and catch them quick before they change!

Suggested Activity
Get Tickets To the Samurai Restaurant in Shinjuku (Up to 30% Off)
Experience one of the craziest, most colorful places in Tokyo — the all-new Samurai Restaurant, from the creators of the Robot Restaurant. Get your tickets and sit back for a wild show of lasers, lights, samurai, dancers and other uniquely Japanese weirdness.

Vulpix Nest at 木場公園都市緑化植物園 Botanical Garden near Kiba Station

Jinx Nest at Komazawa Olympic Park 駒沢オリンピック公園 in Setagaya-ku

Machop Nest around Hamacho Station

Diglet Nest at Hibya Park

I hope these can give you a head start in your Pokémon hunting in Tokyo and fill a couple of those missing slots you might have. With nest locations changing with each update it is important to know the resources available to you and the community around the game. These sites opens up the world of Pokemon Go a little bit more and can give players hope of catching them all.

Suggested Activity
Get a Japan Wireless eSIM – Instant 5G Connectivity with No Data Caps!
Japan Wireless eSIM: Stay connected with unlimited high-speed data on KDDI's top-tier 5G network. No contracts, activate instantly online. Flexible plans. 10% OFF for Tokyo Cheapo readers on 5G unlimited plans.

And for more tips from real Tokyo players, read here.

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Filed under: Anime And Gaming
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