The Survival Guide to Tokyo Station
Tokyo Station is — as you may have guessed — one of the main train stations in Tokyo. But it’s more than just a transport hub. This station is an architectural delight packed full of history and things to do. […]
Tokyo Station is — as you may have guessed — one of the main train stations in Tokyo. But it’s more than just a transport hub. This station is an architectural delight packed full of history and things to do. […]
Come for the trendy shops, stay for the rainbow candy floss. We've got all the best tips here.
Cotton candy, popcorn, and pancakes, oh my!
See the sights while making new friends and learning about history and culture.
How to save some dough on the show.
Takadanobaba (or "Baba") has one of Tokyo's most distinct student vibes. Find out where to hang out and get cheap stuff.
Inside scoop: Everything about the Robot Restaurant reopening—including prices, how to get tickets, what's new, and our first impressions.
Fireflies mark the unofficial start to summertime in Tokyo—here's where you can see this natural phenomenon.
We unweave the laws and rules behind cannabis, THC, and CBD in Japan.
All the budget ways of getting into town.
Tokyo Cheapo staff recommend some of the best budget sushi Tokyo eateries.
One of Tokyo's major attractions has announced its return.
Find out all the sights you can see and where you need to hop off at.
渋谷是東京年輕人的潮聖地,整個區域充斥佈滿了購物中心、酒吧、藝術、音樂、仲有……好多好玩必玩事情。在渋谷你不必花大錢,因為很多好看和有趣的事情都在街頭上發生。以下攻略將為你一一介紹渋谷的人氣亮點 — 由欣賞最佳景觀和買手信的地點、如何擺脫(或加入!)密密麻麻的人潮,仲有關於體驗渋谷著名clubbing夜生活的推薦。 專家小貼士:不妨報名參加渋谷,帶你遊走不同酒吧,結識新朋友體驗當地夜生活! 正在觀賞渋谷繁忙十字路口街頭的途人 大部分遊客都會在渋谷站附近第一次見識到如此繁忙熱鬧的十字路口 講到渋谷,怎可能不提起非常出名嘅渋谷十字路口,所以就用這個充滿霓虹色彩的景點開始我哋的推介啦! 在這個既大型又吵鬧嘅路口,每幾分鐘交通燈會轉為紅燈,行人指示燈轉為綠燈,滿街途人立刻橫過馬路 – 呢個就係你睇過所有有關東京的電影和社交媒體貼文中嘅標誌性畫面(不妨也參考我們有關如何拍攝渋谷十字路口的指南)。當你睇完呢班途人匆匆忙忙行來行去,仲可以抬頭欣賞大廣告牌播放嘅廣告、最新嘅J-pop歌星音樂影片,帶點紐約時代廣場嘅風格。 Cheapo攻略:雖然我們並非被指定要推薦星巴克,但渋谷十字路口這間分店值得一提,首先聽聞佢係全球最繁忙嘅一間分店,然後這間分店提供一個了非常唔錯的景觀讓顧客欣賞這個十字路口。 與忠犬八公銅像講聲hello 基本上每個人來到渋谷都唔少得影幫忠心狗狗忠犬八公銅像影張相,或者請佢飲一杯Puppuccino。 Hachikō – 忠犬八公銅像 – 係渋谷車站嘅吉祥物,想搵佢的話,請跟著引導你去專用出口嘅狗掌印。Hachikō係一隻每日都會忠心喺車站等主人 – 一位教授 – 放工返屋企的狗,當佢的教授主人過身後,Hachikō繼續每日在同一個地方等待,直至佢自己亦過身。現在這個銅像可能係全日本最受歡迎的見面地點之一(但如果要在茫茫人海中搵到你的約會對象,絕對需要倚靠運氣)。 附近仲有其他值得睇睇的雕像,包括在車站南面的Moyai石像(這裡更是街頭表演者的聚集地)、西出口附近也有一個模仿兒童在地球上玩耍的大鐵球、道玄坂(Dōgenzaka)也有一個女孩棒著水果的銅像。 渡過充滿藝術感的一日 想節省高昻入場門票但又想欣賞當代藝術?渋谷車站附近有幾個免費藝術場地值得一睇:在北面有 Diesel Art Gallery – 提供免費入場而展出好多國內外優秀藝術家的作品。在車站西面可以搵到將藝術、劇院與電影融合為一體的文化村(Bunkamura),免費開放畫廊予公眾參觀(其他展覽空間需要購票入場)。另外,在渋谷川旁邊的稻荷橋廣場(Inari Bridge Square) 也有多個戶外展品可以邊行邊欣賞。除此之外,購物商場 Shibuya Hikarie 的8樓(恰如其分地叫做 8/)也有幾個當代日本藝術畫廊及活動場地,你亦可到 Parco裡面的 Gallery X […]
Snag bargains & sell unwanted items—all while extending the shelf life of the planet.
Tokyo is big — narrow down where to stay by your needs and interests.
Where to see the city skyline — and sunsets.
Take your pick—but make sure you do the polka dots.
From award-winning ramen to Japanese sweets, street food — and beyond.
10+ years — and still one of the city's top-rated experiences.
Skytree, step aside: This is Tokyo's hottest new attraction.
Navigating mental health resources here can be daunting, but there is support available.
With three shopping malls, a Statue of Liberty replica, and a sweeping view of Rainbow Bridge and Tokyo’s skyline, there are a lot of things to do in Odaiba.