Cheapos, do not fret — we’ve got the lowdown on all that is free and cheap this Jan 31-Feb 1 weekend.

setsubun -
Photo by jordi olaria jané used under CC

Let’s start off with some free events going down this Sunday. For those who don’t want to spend even a yen, you’re in luck — The Museum of Modern Art is having a free admission day on Feb 1st from 10 am to 5 pm. There, you’ll get to set your eyes upon some 20th century Japanese masterpieces.

The Oedo Antique Market is back again this Sunday from 9 am to 4 pm. It’s Japan’s largest outdoor market and makes for a great place to buy some souvenirs or a great excuse to get some fresh air.

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And why should the weekend have all the fun? Thrive in the cheapness with some weekday events, such as the Setsuban Bean-Throwing Festival in Shiba and another in Asakusa on Tuesday, February 3rd starting at 12 pm. Those headed to the Asakusa event will also get to enjoy a dance to honor the Seven Lucky Gods, a ritual to ward off ill fortune.

If you’re in the Ueno area, the Gojoten Shrine Ritual will also have you enjoy the warding off of evil and the welcoming of happiness, health and prosperity. Remember folks, blessings don’t cost a thing, so join the Ueno Park staff as they perform this Heian Period ritual also taking place on February 3rd.

The opening day for the Japan Media Arts Festival is this Wednesday, February 4th at the National Art Center Tokyo in Roppongi. Appreciate the various divisions of popular media art in Japan, including art, entertainment, manga and animation. Entrance is free, so appreciate that too!

And it’s never too late to fit in some more winter illuminations at Tokyo Dome or to visit the NHK’s Museum of Broadcasting — unless of course you miss their shared closing date of February 15th.  But you wouldn’t want to do that, so head there this weekend!

Happy cheapo weekend!

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