As I mentioned last time, being a cheapo in no way means settling for inferior quality. So today I’d like to share with you a real gem I found in Shibuya a few years back.

As the gourmet’s amongst will know, when eating pasta, fresh is really the only way to go. Any Italian restaurant worth it’s salt will be serving you pasta freshly made from good eggs and flour, it’s a whole different experience having this over the simple dried wheat semolina variety. While the poncey and expensive Italian eateries in Tokyo will (well at least should) be serving fresh pasta, one would be forgiven for expecting the cheapo eateries to skimp on this luxury.

Enter Via Mamma. This cosy little eatery specialises is fresh pasta and pretty much nothing else. It’s almost like an eccentric cousin to our cheapo favourite Saizeriya – the prices although slightly higher are still low (unlikely to breach the ¥1000 mark for dinner) and the clientele are mostly teenage girls.
There’s little extra I’m going to say about the place apart from simply, go and check it out if you like pasta! My top tips, the creamy pasta dishes are great and also make sure you ask for the parmesan cheese so, like a true cheapo you can pile it on your plate to get an even better value (and tasty) meal.
A tad tricky to find, but conveniently located, a couple of minutes from Shibuya station on a second floor:
After Dinner Coffee
And once you’ve finished, I recommend you swing round the corner Segafredo in Shibuya, which is just a 30 second walk away.