Your Guide to Tour Guides in Tokyo
Having a tour guide in Tokyo can be useful, particularly if this is a first visit, or you don't have much time. But not everyone needs one. Do you?
Having a tour guide in Tokyo can be useful, particularly if this is a first visit, or you don't have much time. But not everyone needs one. Do you?
Munch's The Scream, contemporary Japanese art, Art Deco, Baroque and more!
Light and crispy or dripping with oil—tempura is the Jekyll and Hyde of Japanese food, but we know where to find the best in Tokyo.
A round-up of the city's most intriguing art exhibitions on this spring.
Glittering skylines, beaches and quiet leafy promenades.
Our top picks offer contemporary amenities, like cafes, coworking spaces and a high-end feel.
Get rid of those knots without getting rid of your entire food budget.
Exclusive rooftop cherry blossom viewing, anyone?
Romance and marriage are something many people want, but both can be difficult to find. If you’re looking for love, you may want to consider visiting one of the many “love shrines” Tokyo has to offer. It is believed that […]
Drink with vampires, dine with cute characters like Moomin or Pom Pom Purin, or play retro video games at these Tokyo themed restaurants!
Absolutely everything you need to know about seeing a doctor in Japan.
You'll want to bookmark this one.
到東京就當然要去二手市集尋寶喇!幾乎於每個的週末和公眾假期,你都能夠輕易找到很多正在營業的跳蚤市場。 以下我們精選了在東京內收藏了最多平價寶物的二手市集,連同教你一些用日語講價的小貼士!有部分介紹的跳蚤市場舉辦地點固定,其餘則不定點在東京市各地舉行。 1. 大井競馬場跳蚤市場 (Tokyo City Flea Market) 每月逄大部分的周末 免費 大井賽馬場(Ohi Racecourse) 按此閱讀更多 大井競馬場跳蚤市場,又名 Tokyo City Flea Market(東京市跳蚤市場),是全東京其中一個最受歡迎的跳蚤市場,每次都會有 300 至 600 個商販參與。有別於其他不定期舉行的跳蚤市場,它有一個固定的舉辦時間表。 小貼士: 當你想知道心頭好賣幾多錢,你可以用 「Ikura desu ka?」來問老闆。如果你的日文程度不足以應付回應,只要點頭微笑就可以了。 2. 新宿中央公園跳蚤市場 (Shinjuku Central Park Flea Market) 每月逄大部分的周末 免費 新宿中央公園 (Shinjuku Central Park) […]
Sumo, autumn flowers, festivals with floats, Tokyo Game Show, and more.
They're around — you just have to know where to look.
The lights are coming on.
Indoor, outdoor and year-round options included.