Rake in Luck for the New Year at Tori no Ichi
On "rooster days" throughout November, select Tokyo shrines host Tori no Ichi, markets where ornamental rakes are sold for good luck.
On "rooster days" throughout November, select Tokyo shrines host Tori no Ichi, markets where ornamental rakes are sold for good luck.
Coffee lovers, meet Kiyosumi.
See the world's biggest auction of tuna at Toyosu Market (though the experience is very different to Tsukiji).
See the sights while making new friends and learning about history and culture.
成田機場(NRT)– 東京接軌全球的主要門戶 – 實際上與東京市中心相距不近。事實上,這個日本首都的機場位處於偏遠鄉村地區,假如你由機場前往繁華忙碌、滿街霓虹燈的東京,你會先在旅途中看到水稻田。從成田機場到涉谷十字路口的距離大約為80公里(50英里)。 東京是一個繁華多元化的大都會,要如何由成田機場用划算或方便的方式,坐車到你在東京的住宿地點,有好多好多個答案選擇。 如果你已經選擇了要住在東京市中心哪一區的酒店,如新宿、六本木或涉谷 – 我們已經為如何從成田機場到每個區域的酒店準備了個別的小攻略。這些指引涵蓋了最快、最便宜和最方便的交通方法,你可以在下面找到相關連結。 如果你將會住在其他地區,也請繼續睇落去,我們準備了更多交通資訊以幫助你找到適合的選擇。 由成田機場出發前往東京的概覽 如果你不介意多花一點錢,我們建議使用共享計程車服務,每人車資大約(最少預訂人數為兩人)。另外,速度快捷的京成電鐵Skyliner列車也值得推薦,一般票價為,但如果在網上購票,優惠價只需。 以下是從成田機場到東京市中心的交通選項簡單比較: 交通工具 大約車資 所需時間 班次 備註 如何購票 列車 (京成電鐵Skyliner) 起 1 小時 每 15–20 分鐘一班 於日暮里站轉乘JR到其他目的地 立刻以優惠價格預約 列車 (JR N’EX成田特快) 1 小時 每小時一班 直接到達東京站(也有其他班次到新宿和涉谷,但班次間距較長) 於機場購票 列車 (京成本線) 95 分鐘 […]
We unweave the laws and rules behind cannabis, THC, and CBD in Japan.
Tokyo Cheapo staff recommend some of the best budget sushi Tokyo eateries.
Find out all the sights you can see and where you need to hop off at.
Tokyo is big — narrow down where to stay by your needs and interests.
Where to see the city skyline — and sunsets.
Save some yen, while still getting a good night's sleep.
Take your pick—but make sure you do the polka dots.
From award-winning ramen to Japanese sweets, street food — and beyond.
The next Grand Sumo Tournament is less than a month away — have you booked?
Why Monzen-Nakacho and surrounds are such desirable places to live.
Join us as we visit copious temples, eat street food, and ride a rickshaw.
Parfaits, kakigōri and other sweet treats — all done with a touch of class.
How to get from the plane to your accommodation.
Where to go for street food, music — and lots of sakura.
Choose from parks, traditional gardens, mountains and more.
A chance to see the infamous "penis festival", puppies, processions, and more!
Light-ups have been extended, since the blossoms were so late this year.
Move over, cherry blossoms! These other blooms will take your breath away well into late spring.