The Best Tokyo Events, by Month
Find out what's happening in Tokyo throughout the year — and when to go.
Find out what's happening in Tokyo throughout the year — and when to go.
When is the best time to book hotels, buy tickets to Ghibli Park, and sort out everything else?
See a bunch of Japan's most famous sights in just 3 days.
The next Grand Sumo Tournament is less than a month away — have you booked?
From award-winning ramen to Japanese sweets, street food — and beyond.
Bullet train, bus, or something else? See how the different transport options stack up.
How to get around the steep new fees.
Tickets & seat reservations, speeds & special passes.
Filled with shrines, temples, and natural wonders, there may be no better place for a break!
The cheapest, fastest & easiest transport options.
Save some yen, while still getting a good night's sleep.
Where to see the city skyline — and sunsets.
A bit of magic, for a bit less cash.
Everything you need to know about Japan's fastest—and most modern—bullet-train line.
We break down the best options for your future travels.
All the budget ways of getting into town.
Japan highway buses are a great way to travel if you've got time, but a limited budget.
Compare bullet trains, buses and other transport options.
How to save some dough on the show.
Find out how to save money on the way to Hokkaidō.
See the sights while making new friends and learning about history and culture.
Heading straight from the airport to see Mickey and the gang? Here are your transport options.