15 Best “Foreigner-Friendly” Bars in Tokyo
Where to go for flowing drinks and conversation.
Where to go for flowing drinks and conversation.
如果唔計連接東北新幹線,北海道新幹線就只有 4 個車站,整個車程出奇地短暫。即使有其他更便宜、更快去日本北部的鐵路選擇,點解仍然有咁多人鐘意搭北海道新幹線呢? 可能是從窗口眺望出的美景、途經全世界最長的海底隧道,又或是沿途古色古香的車站⋯⋯去到 2023 年,當北海道新幹線延伸到札幌站的工程完成,就會更加錦上添花。繼續閱讀下文,一一為你介紹由新青森站至新函館北斗站的北海道新幹線沿途有甚麼好玩、又有趣的好去處! …
去東京旅行即使撞正落雨,只要手持一把雨傘,基本上你想去哪裏、做什麼事情也沒有甚麼大問題。 但如果你真的不想落雨在街上行來行去,期盼在雨過天清後再次外出,我們也準備了 20 個在室內進行的活動,讓大家在落雨之際繼續探索東京! 有趣小資訊:日本人經常會自製晴天娃娃(teru teru bōzu),祈求晴天再次降臨 1. 玩轉室內主題樂園 當感覺到下雨的氣息,依然可以跳上刺激的過山車,玩得同樣盡興。我們介紹過台場的 Joypolis 遊樂場有大量好玩的過山車 …
Top spots for a pint or two, in summer and beyond.
遍地都是出名的拉麵店,這家說有古老拉麵湯底秘方、那家的人龍總是絡繹不絕,那到底在日本吃那一家才可以值回票價?相信大家都總會嘗試過幾碗拉麵,但又有那一碗是好吃到難忘呢?與其一味求好食,最緊要啱食!以下有東京最優秀的拉麵店,我們把它們按湯底、類型整理好,來看看有沒有你的心頭好吧。 怎樣才算得上是碗好拉麵? 不同配搭的拉麵,會呈現出不一樣的風味。拉麵的湯底和醬料配搭主要分成 4 個主要類別:鹽味 (shio)、醬油 (shōyu)、味噌 (miso) 和豬骨湯 (onkotsu)。 在 4 …
Get your yukata and picnic basket ready — here's a round-up of festivals both big and small.
Grab your umbrella and go have some fun.
All your questions about size and seats, answered.
Light-ups have been extended, since the blossoms were so late this year.
Get ready for an exuberant new show from the creators of the old Robot Restaurant.
Find out what's happening in Tokyo throughout the year — and when to go.
Find out where and when to see the gorgeous "winter cherry blossoms" — blooming now!
Trying to find the best bowl of ramen in Tokyo to top your list? Look no further.
Hotel Rose Garden Shinjuku is a simple hotel that caters to both business travelers and tourists. If you can find a room for under , then you're getting a good deal. What’s Hotel Rose Garden Shinjuku like? The bland exterior of the main …
Filled with shrines, temples, and natural wonders, there may be no better place for a break!
Where to see the city skyline — and sunsets.
Tokyo events for Monday, August 28 to Sunday, September 3, 2023.
The fastest, easiest, and cheapest options to Yokohama.
Get to Yokohama from Haneda the fast and cheap way.
Find out all the sights you can see and where you need to hop off at.
You won't need a license to ride this motorcycle.
We unweave the laws and rules behind cannabis, THC, and CBD in Japan.