Missing the taste of home? Well luckily for you the international food scene in Tokyo is only getting better and better. From cheese tarts to falafels, there are so many different cuisines available that you’re sure to find something that satisfies your cravings. But of course, some foods are easier to find than others so let’s look at some of the most popular international food options in Tokyo.
Burgers are a big thing here, with prices and quality varying wildly. Fast food chains like McDonald’s and Burger King are pretty well established here, along with local chains such as Freshness Burger and the 3rd Burger. For more info on these and other affordable burger options in Tokyo check out this round up of 9 cheapo friendly burger places.
Pizzas are another heavy hitter in international food scene, and thanks to the ‘one coin pizza‘ trend they can be a very affordable ¥500 (¥500) per slice. Other cheapo pizza options include A Pizza and Napoli’s. Check out our round up of some of the best pizza restaurants in Tokyo here.
Given how close China is geographically, it’s no surprise that there’s an abundance of Chinese restaurants here. Many have adjusted their food to local tastes, but we have the low down on restaurants offering more authentic mainland Chinese cuisine here. There’s even an affordable Michelin star option for those who want to get a little fancy.
Like Chinese food, many Indian restaurants have adapted their menus for local tastes resulting in confusing (but still delicious) places like Thali-ya. If you’re in the mood for more authentic Indian food we can tell you where to find it.