Where To Do Standup Paddleboarding Around Tokyo
Find your balance in the bays and waterways.
Find your balance in the bays and waterways.
Get ready for everything from bayside raves to mountain campouts.
You've heard about Japan's square watermelons the high price tag that comes along with it. Now learn where it's from and how it's made.
去東京旅行即使撞正落雨,只要手持一把雨傘,基本上你想去哪裏、做什麼事情也沒有甚麼大問題。 但如果你真的不想落雨在街上行來行去,期盼在雨過天清後再次外出,我們也準備了 20 個在室內進行的活動,讓大家在落雨之際繼續探索東京! 有趣小資訊:日本人經常會自製晴天娃娃(teru teru bōzu),祈求晴天再次降臨 1. 玩轉室內主題樂園 當感覺到下雨的氣息,依然可以跳上刺激的過山車,玩得同樣盡興。我們介紹過台場的 Joypolis 遊樂場有大量好玩的過山車 (按此購買優惠門票);如果你對過山車冇興趣,或鍾情於 Hello Kitty,亦可以考慮 南夢宮主題樂園 (Namja Town) 和 Sanrio 彩虹樂園 (Sanrio Puroland)。 專家小貼士:如果不介意毛毛雨,這是到訪迪士尼和海洋迪士尼的好機會,一般會較平日少人。 2. 趁機逛逛博物館 既然來到東京這個文化之地,當然要趁落雨的好時機,遊覽一些在全世界數一數二最正的博物館!購買 Grutto Pass 優惠券,就可以一次過進入東京最大型的博物館,慳慳埋埋都唔少錢。請注意部份的流行文化博物館,如吉卜力公園 (Ghibli Museum) 需要提前購買門票,而且並不適合下雨天到訪。 我們推薦的博物館: 歷史愛好者必去的 東京國立博物館 (Tokyo National Museum) 為自然科學愛好者而設的日本科學未來館 […]
Sumo, autumn flowers, festivals with floats, Tokyo Game Show, and more.
See where to go for Pokémon, Yu-Gi-Oh!, Magic: The Gathering, and other trading cards.
The coffee shop that wasn't, concealed passageways, and more.
It's a bit like being at the club, but with ninjas. Backed by the Japan Ninja Council.
These off-the-wall events are worth a look.
Blooming marvellous spots.
Look forward to Halloween parties, Edo-era festivals, fireworks, and more.
Where to go for the most delicious matcha, whitebait swirls, and more.
An all-female cast performs one of the best things we've seen in years.
They're around — you just have to know where to look.
Where to go for flowing drinks and conversation.
Including fancy sushi, and vegan-friendly options.
See the heights of Japanese architecture and design.
Shin-Okubo, Tokyo's Koreatown, is definitely worth a visit.
Light-ups, "lucky rakes", late-season fireworks, and more.
The lights are coming on.
The capital puts on quite a show — don't miss it!
The best parks, gardens, and day trips this fall.