Quick Look: Travel Insurance for Japan
Do you need it? Questions, answers, and policy options.
Do you need it? Questions, answers, and policy options.
Is it cheaper than a travel SIM or rental Wi-Fi?
What's the best monthly deal for residents?
Save some yen, while still getting a good night's sleep.
A bit of magic, for a bit less cash.
See the world's biggest auction of tuna at Toyosu Market (though the experience is very different to Tsukiji).
See fees, services, requirements and more.
Walk among the glowing mushrooms, see a rare species of seahorse and swim with the sea turtles.
Tokyo is notorious for the tiny dwellings its residents squeeze themselves into. Chances are that you—unless you want to commute for 90 minutes or so every day—inhabit such a space yourself as rents are high for anyplace central. But even though …
Traditional Japanese gardens, teahouses, flora and fauna, or just a place to relax—these parks are the perfect break from the concrete jungle.
A basic guide to enrolling in the National Health Insurance plan and how to find an English-speaking doctor or hospital.
See hydrangeas in spring, hills of baby blue eyes in summer, chrysanthemums in autumn and bright-red camellias in winter.
東京迪士尼樂園和東京迪士尼海洋是很多訪日遊客的必到的目的地,儘管入場票價格長年高企,但仍有一些省錢的好方法--可能夠錢買多一份美味的焦糖爆谷。在日本要找到慳錢的渠道並不多,但憑著創意和作為迪士尼忠粉而收納到的一些巧妙方法,我們綜合了一些該你的東京迪士尼樂園之旅更完滿的提議。 1. 購買東京迪士尼樂園和東京迪士尼海洋門票的技巧 在哪裡以及如何購買東京迪士尼門票 你可以通過以下兩種方式之一購買門票:在公園售票處即場購買或在線上購買。 我們建議你用 …
A step towards sustainability while keeping your wallet in check.
What are they, where to buy one, and how to wear one.
Who's eligible, how to apply and how much you'll receive.
Don't wait to travel—start exploring now!
Special measures for unusual times.
A handy English translation guide to unlock all the functions on your Japanese appliances and electronics.
Make some yen from your overflowing closet and clutter.
Furusato nozei is a system that lets you make a donation to a municipality outside of Tokyo in exchange for free stuff!
Try eggs benny with a side of Imperial Palace views.