Yoyogi’s ‘Secret’ Shibafu Park
Tokyo is a city almost completely devoid of green, an in particular lush green grass. Where there is grass of any quality in Tokyo, it tends to be surrounded by a fence with 立ち入り禁止 (keep out) written on it, or […]
Tokyo is a city almost completely devoid of green, an in particular lush green grass. Where there is grass of any quality in Tokyo, it tends to be surrounded by a fence with 立ち入り禁止 (keep out) written on it, or […]
Early Sunday evening and the park is a combination of world’s fair, open air auditorium-slash-casting couch, tourist nexus, campground, and cabinet of zoological curiosities. Past the vision of the myriad Elvises at the Harajuku Gate entrance, everything is on show—purple […]
So you’ve finally summoned up all your courage and asked out that cute coworker, you know, the shy one that is always smiling. And for some reason, they actually said “yes!” Now what? It’s time to plan your first date(s) together. […]
With thousands of ramen restaurants and chains scattered throughout Tokyo, a newcomer to Japan may find the task of choosing and ordering a simple bowl of ramen daunting. Exploring a small street in Nishi-Gotanda (a thriving little nook that overlooks […]
With the dollar stronger than ever (at time of writing, 90 USD will buy you 10,700 yen), now is a great time to visit Japan and get a big bang for your buck. We’ve done three days in Tokyo on […]
Museum enthusiasts can take advantage of the Grutt Pass, a pass that allows free or discounted admission to 79 museums and attractions in Tokyo.
It’s not all ramen, udon and soba you know—for something very typically Japanese, but something you might not know about, tsukemen is the number one option.
Having heard rumblings about it, we couldn't resist investigating the mystery of the 10-Yen Sushi at the Restaurant With No Name.
Little Bird Cafe near Yoyogi Park is a gluten-free oasis for celiacs & the gluten intolerant. Try pizzas, hamburgers, dumplings & more!
Cherry blossom season isn't the only time to roll out your mat and prepare your picnic basket! Check out the top picnic spots in Tokyo.
It’s a great season to sip a drink at a Tokyo terrace bar/cafe while reading a book or chatting with friends. Here are the top chill choices.
Yoyogi Village is a pick-and-mix selection of eco-friendly shops, trendy cafes, terrace hangouts and a tropical garden with exotic plants.
Where to buy and sell used bicycles in Tokyo.
紅葉季節又到了!正所謂一年容易又中秋,紅葉的到來,亦意味着大自然季節的變更。這篇文章正正整合了在東京觀賞紅葉的最佳地點。 也許在東京,觀賞紅葉的熱潮未及櫻花季節般狂熱,但日本紅葉的獨有魅力,絕對是個出外郊游的好理由! 1. 在東京觀賞紅葉,由六義園 (Rikugien Garden) 開始 自江戶時代興建的六義園,之所以時至今天依舊高人氣,皆因能與時並進,成功舉辦了一連串在傍晚「亮燈」欣賞秋季枝葉的活動。 當你身在美麗的六義園,可以將一切都拋諸腦後。好好欣賞眼前這片專屬當下季節,經精心策劃的燦爛景色,拿出相機留下美麗的𣊬間。 2. 在明治神宮外苑的銀杏並木 (Meiji Jingū Gaien) 在全年大部份的時間,這條路看似平平無奇,但每年一到 11 月尾至 12 月頭的時份,就會搖身一變成了秋季夢幻樂園。 這條 300 米的長廊是明治神宮外苑的一部份,位於明治神宮公園的南邊。銀杏樹葉極具標誌性,從很多的日本校園及家庭的徽章上可見,著名的例子有東京大學 (Tōdai) 和大阪大學 (Tōdai) 。 3. 代代木公園 (Yoyogi Park) 當你遊歷過明治神宮後,如正值秋天,不妨移步到附近的代代木公園觀賞更多不同種類的紅楓葉和銀杏樹吧。 小貼士:建議前往公園的南邊,能看到更多的秋天景色 4. 皇居東御苑 (Imperial Palace East Garden) 如果你想來一場真正的皇室體驗,前往皇居東御苑吧!我們特別推介在東御苑內的的二之丸庭園,入面充滿了日本楓樹 (momiji),好幾棵優雅地站在湖邊的銀杏樹,還有修葺整齊的造型樹木。按此了解更多這座御苑的詳情。 […]
The best parks, gardens, and day trips this fall.
Start the new year with some festive fun—and ward off the winter blues.