Fall is the season for eating, according to a Japanese saying — and it’s not wrong. And with the sheer number of delicious Japanese fall foods, you’ll be spoilt for choice.

With nights getting slowly darker, temperatures dropping, and the leaves changing, there’s no denying the arrival of fall. For many of us who have been melting in the summer heat, it’s something to be celebrated.

It’s practically impossible to comfort eat during the Japanese summer — even getting up for a tub of ice cream works up a sweat — but now that it’s fall you don’t have to worry about that anymore. Sink back into these warming dishes and enjoy the comfort of hearty flavors. Here are 11 of the most popular Japanese fall foods to try.

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1. Apples

An autumn classic, October to December is apple-picking season in Japan. In addition to fresh apples in supermarkets, you’ll find them in all kinds of food. Bakeries and cafés will have at least one type of apple pie, cake, or pastry on the menu, and suddenly apple juice will be everywhere. Plus, apple cider and apple wine will appear on shelves.

red apples on a tree in Aomori
Aomori apples. | Photo by Getty Images

The best apples come from Aomori Prefecture in the northern Tōhoku region of Japan.

Where to find them: Supermarkets will have fresh apples, while bakeries and cafés will have a range of apple pies, cakes, and pastries. For a hands-on experience, you can join a seasonal fruit-picking tour that also takes you to Mount Fuji.

2. Pears

Nashi pears, as known as Asian pears, are a rounder version of the teardrop-shaped pear most people from Western countries are used to — not to worry though, nashi are equally delicious. Fall is the perfect time to try them, as they’re in season from early August onwards. Supermarkets will stock fresh pears, and you’ll also find some pear pastries and sweets in cafés.

Keep an eye out for pears from Chiba and Tottori Prefectures, as these places are known for their sweet and juicy nashi.

Where to find them: You’ll find fresh pears in your local supermarkets and fruit shops. Also look out for pear-flavored sweets at cafés and convenience stores.

3. Chestnuts

Chestnut is a popular ingredient in both sweet and savory Japanese dishes. They can be found roasted whole, for example in the iconic dish kuri-gohan (rice steamed with chestnuts, so they cook together), or stuffed in a cake-like dumpling called kuri-manju — as well as many other formats.

Japanese fall foods chestnuts
Chestnuts roasting … | Photo by iStock.com/Kanawa_Studio

With Kit Kat, Haagen Dazs, and all the other brands that do seasonal goods, you won’t struggle to find chestnut flavors. At fancy sweets shops look for pastries with delicate piped lines of puréed chestnut. With sweets, the French word marron is often used rather than the Japanese word for chestnut, kuri (栗).

Where to find them: Any nice bakery or cake shop will have plenty of chestnut treats. Try traditional sweet shops, supermarkets, or festival stalls for the kuri-manju!

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4. Persimmons

Sweet, soft, tomato-looking fruits you’ll see swinging from the trees or strung up to dry in rows, persimmons (kaki; 柿) are abundant in fall in Japan. 

Japanese fall foods
Persimmons hung out to dry. | Photo by iStock.com/show999

There are actually two primary types of persimmon, the hachiya (astringent) and fuyu (non-astringent) varieties. The former are very tart until completely ripe, while the latter can be eaten firm like an apple. In Japan, you are most likely to come across the hachiya; as they ripen they become very soft — prepare to get sticky as the flesh is almost jelly-like.

Persimmons are best eaten raw, but can also be made into jams.

Editor’s note: Careful not to confuse kaki (persimmons) with kaki (oysters), a winter delicacy!

Where to find them: They may drop to the ground in front of you or be given away from roadside boxes if you’re in the countryside. Otherwise you can find them at any greengrocers or supermarket and farmers markets, too.

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5. Yakiimo (roasted sweet potato)

Your first encounter with Japanese sweet potato may be from a passing yakiimo truck, its sweet aroma and song fading off into the night. With a stone oven on the back, these trucks drive slowly around local areas offering this delicious (but pricey) fall treat to anyone nearby, hopping out to serve any customers who hail them down.

Japanese fall foods
A warm and simple snack. | Photo by Lily Crossley-Baxter

The potato is often purple on the outside and yellow (or purple!) on the inside, with a sweet, unique flavor. There is also a rusty-orange variety with golden flesh. Perfect as they are with a natural creaminess or even better with a little butter, salt and pepper, you can make them at home if you’re lucky enough to have a small oven.

Sweet potato is also a flavor you’ll find in everything from potato chips to pastries, come autumn in Japan!

Where to find yakiimo: Aside from yakiimo trucks, check your local convenience store or supermarket (or even Don Quijote store) — they often have them cheaper than the carts (albeit with less charm).

6. Grilled sanma

Known in English as Pacific saury, sanma (秋刀魚) are abundant in fall. On the small side and with a flavor similar to herring or sardines, sanma is best served simply — grilled whole with salt, a side of daikon radish, and a slice of lemon. This is a good one to look out for when you have a simple lunch set (teishoku) in traditional restaurants.

Pacific Saury - autumn food
Pacific saury. | Photo by iStock.com/yumehana

Where to find it: Your best bets are traditional Japanese teishoku restaurants offering cheap lunch sets. Or fresh at your local supermarket — as a bonus, sanma is usually pretty inexpensive.

7. Kabocha (Japanese pumpkin)

Kabocha (南瓜) is closer to a butternut squash than the kind of pumpkin you carve up for Halloween. The deep orange flesh cooks up soft and sweet. It’s often simmered (in which case you can eat the rind, if it’s soft enough), added to curries, or deep fried as tempura or in a croquette (battered in panko).

Pumpkin croquette
Who doesn’t love a pumpkin croquette? | Photo by iStock.com/kendoNice

Where to find it: Street vendors may sell pumpkin croquettes. Otherwise try izakaya and tempura restaurants for pumpkin dishes, supermarkets, or convenience stores.

8. Shinmai (“new” rice)

The end of the rice season falls in, well, fall. It’s a great time to settle in with a bowl of shinmai (“new rice”). Thought to be softer and moister than older rice, it can only be tried from September to December before losing its “new” status. To achieve this, it must be processed and packaged for sale in the same year it was harvested — and is no longer sold after December.

“New” rice. | Photo by iStock.com/jxfzsy

Although you can enjoy a bowl on its own to savor the natural sweetness, it’s also a great way to combine some of the best fall flavors. Add ginkgo nuts, chestnuts, or matsutake mushrooms for a truly warming dish, full of subtle but hearty flavors you’re sure to enjoy.

Where to find it: Sold at supermarkets and local food markets, shinmai can also be found in some restaurants.

9. Ginkgo nuts

Harvested as the leaves on the ginkgo trees turn golden, the nuts have long been a sign of Japanese fall. Toasted and salted, ginnan are a popular drinking snack served this time of year at izakaya. The yellowish-green nuts are soft and chewy, sufficiently nutty and slightly bitter. They can also be steamed with rice.

gingko nuts
Gingko nuts. | Photo by iStock.com/Jonathan Austin Daniels

The only downside is the terrible smell they release when ripe, but since you probably won’t be picking them yourselves, it doesn’t matter so much! Also, you’ll want to limit your consumption — as large quantities can be toxic, especially for kids.

Where to find them: Always available at yakitori and izakaya joints in fall, as well as festival stalls.

10. Matsutake mushrooms

Sustainability alert: In 2020, matsutake were placed on the “threatened” list by the International Union for Conservation of Nature. You can still eat them — but they might be harder to find.

Matsutake mushrooms
Mushrooms, anyone? | Photo by iStock.com/kenko-

Meaning “pine mushroom”, matsutake (松茸) have, unsurprisingly, an identifiable scent of pine when cooked, with a hearty, almost meaty texture. Although these mushrooms can reach hundreds of thousands of yen in price, you can also have them quite reasonably in restaurants and at home.

They are often cooked with rice or used to make a special fall soup, with a clear dashi broth. Matsutake mushroom soup is usually made at home, but you can also find it as a seasonal specialty in restaurants. Another common use is to cook chawanmushi, a savory steamed egg custard, often served within a set meal, with the mushrooms adding a seasonal twist.

Where to find them: Try your local teishoku restaurant or have a look in a supermarket or vegetable stall, but beware the hyper-expensive ones in department stores.

11. Sake: Hiyaoroshi and akiagari

Hiyaoroshi and Akiagari
Any sake fans out there? | Photo by iStock.com/taka4332

One of the true tastes of Japan, sake (or nihonshu as it is called here), has its seasonal turns as well.

Having been brewed in winter, pasteurized and aged over spring and summer before being ready in fall, hiyaoroshi (冷やおろし) is a delicious seasonal treat you should keep an eye out for.

Akiagari (秋あが) is pasteurized for a second time at the end of summer, but otherwise the two follow the same brewing schedules and are both traditionally released in the fall. (Though refrigeration and demand have meant many sake brewers wait longer for the perfect flavor, and some release earlier to meet demand).

The term hiyaoroshi is quite a loose term and it is possible to find non-pasteurized, single- and double-pasteurized versions — all at the discretion of the brewer. Considered to have a youthful and vibrant flavor, it is worth a try!

Where to find it: Ask for the specialty sake in nice bars, restaurants or in your local liquor store.

Bonus: Autumn sweets in Japan

While we do our best to ensure it’s correct, information is subject to change. Post first published in 2017. Last updated in August 2024, by Maria Danuco.

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