Leaving That Baggage Behind: Luggage Storage in Tokyo
A weight off your shoulders with lockers, apps, and more.
A weight off your shoulders with lockers, apps, and more.
其實去日本旅行這麼近,寄送行李會不會太誇張呢?雖然不少人有這樣的印象,但如果寄送行李真的能讓你的旅程更加輕鬆愉快,我們當然要把這個好方法介紹給你! 以下是我們精心挑選的東京及其他日本城市中最好的行李寄送服務。首先,寄送服務有多種選擇,比如從成田或羽田機場將行李寄送到你在東京的住宿,或者在旅程結束時寄回機場;甚至可以寄送到日本的其他城市。 在日本寄送行李值得嗎? 還在猶豫是否需要在日本旅行時寄送行李?試想像一下,當你下飛機後,要從機場前往市區,如果行李輕便,搭乘任何交通工具都很方便 …
Safe ways to explore the seedier side of Tokyo.
Take a little break from the city.
With tips from people who've done it — in some cases more than once.
Steaming kabocha, roasted chestnuts, and other treats await.
They're around — you just have to know where to look.
北陸新幹線出晒名快捷又舒適,這條連接著東京市和福井縣敦賀市的子彈列車路線,每小時車速可達 260 公里。有了北陸新幹線,你可以輕易地搭車去觀賞雪猴,感受火山風光和到訪藝術裝置等景點。 隨 1997 長野冬季奧運開幕,北陸新幹線自此便投入服務至今。由最初只是連接著高崎市 (Takasaki) 和長野市 (Nagano),2015 年後伸延到金澤(Kanazawa),然後敦賀市 (Tsuruga) 段亦在今年 3 月 16 日通車了!而延伸工程最後階段,將會通往新大阪車站,預料在 2030 …
要放低都市生活的壓力,相信沒有比出走到大自然更好的方法。尤其上到山上,穿過心曠神怡的山谷之際,人自然能夠得到好好放鬆。反正都來到東京旅行,一於看看我們以下介紹不同程度的山徑,揀返條路線行吓山散吓心。 跳到章節: 簡易級:弘法山 (Mt. Kōbō) 簡易級:巾着田 (Kinchakuda) 簡易級:筑波山 (Mt. Tsukuba) 簡易級:高尾山 (Mt. Takao) 簡易/愛好者級:鋸山 (Mt. Nokogiri) 簡易級:御岳山 (Mt. Mitake) 簡易級:鎌倉山 …
From views of hell to beaches and a Buddha you can get inside, these are worth a look.
Updated weekly with discount offers.
Expect smaller crowds and fewer high-rises obstructing your view than in Tokyo.
Must-see cherry blossom, moss phlox, and wisteria locations — all easily accessible from Tokyo.
Where to go for street food, music — and lots of sakura.
Take a ride to experience the best of the season.
These treats will take you on a culinary adventure all season long.
A beginner's guide to the line that connects Tokyo with Kanazawa.
All the highlights of this picture-perfect season — from kōyō (autumn leaf viewing) to seasonal specialties & events.
Explore hiking trails, delicacies, and unusual shrines atop one of Tokyo's closest mountains.