Studio Ghibli has released the trailer for its long-awaited 2016 film The Red Turtle. The first movie to be released following Miyazaki’s retirement, fans have been waiting nervously to see what the studio will produce. The movie is a French/Japanese production which heightened fears of a Frankenstein-Ghibli movie, but this mesmerizing trailer should put those fears to rest.

If going to the cinema is a bit pricey, you don’t have to turn to the computer and sacrifice quality for cost: check our guide for snagging discount movie tickets, and you might even be able to stretch to some popcorn.

Suggested Activity
Tsukiji Fish Market Food and Walking Tour
Join this food and walking tour and discover the famous Tsukiji Fish Market. Explore the outer market as you sample the area's highest-quality delicacies and finger foods.

And of course, if this trailer has re-awakened your love for Ghibli’s world—there’s always the Ghibli Museum where you can enjoy the marvelous creations and see special in-house-only productions!

The Red Turtle

French Release: June 29th 2016

Japanese Release: September 2016

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