Meiji Jingū is the most visited Shrine in Japan, sometimes drawing crowds of up to a million people for special events. It is, however, a place of peace, tranquillity, and reflection, protected from the busy streets by ancient cedar forests and winding pathways. Founded in 1920 to commemorate Emperor Meiji and his wife, the Shrine is filled with small reminders of the Emperors work to join Japanese tradition with Western Knowledge — including the wine casks that sit alongside the sake barrels at the entrance.

A Shinto wedding at Meiji-jingū. | Photo by David Ishikawa

The cedar forest surrounding the Shrine is made up of trees donated from across Japan and the world — all planted to form a resting place for the souls of the Emperor and Empress. You can also enjoy a stroll through the gardens, designed personally by the Emperor for his wife, with stunning irises and the reportedly lucky Kiyomasa’s well. If you would like to know more about Meiji Jingū’s history, traditions and celebrations, delve into our comprehensive guide.