Should You See the Shinjuku Ninja Live Show?
It's a bit like being at the club, but with ninjas. Backed by the Japan Ninja Council.
It's a bit like being at the club, but with ninjas. Backed by the Japan Ninja Council.
睇雪猴浸溫泉的這項活動,相信在不少人一生人要做一次的願望清單上。打算從東京前往地獄谷雪猴公園嗎?自 1964 年起,日本獼猴便開始長駐在地獄谷雪猴公園,而經過十年又一個十年,牠們自然就變成了日本其中一個最具代表性的景點。 …
要放低都市生活的壓力,相信沒有比出走到大自然更好的方法。尤其上到山上,穿過心曠神怡的山谷之際,人自然能夠得到好好放鬆。反正都來到東京旅行,一於看看我們以下介紹不同程度的山徑,揀返條路線行吓山散吓心。 跳到章節: 簡易級:弘法山 (Mt. …
See where to go for Pokémon, Yu-Gi-Oh!, Magic: The Gathering, and other trading cards.
Sumo, autumn flowers, festivals with floats, Tokyo Game Show, and more.
去東京旅行即使撞正落雨,只要手持一把雨傘,基本上你想去哪裏、做什麼事情也沒有甚麼大問題。 但如果你真的不想落雨在街上行來行去,期盼在雨過天清後再次外出,我們也準備了 20 個在室內進行的活動,讓大家在落雨之際繼續探索東京! …
Get ready for everything from bayside raves to mountain campouts.
Find your balance in the bays and waterways.
For those who'd rather see Fuji-san, than stand on top of it.
Riverside BBQ, rafting, sake breweries and more — all an easy day trip away.
From views of hell to beaches and a Buddha you can get inside, these are worth a look.
The city doesn't sleep, so why should you?
紅葉季節又到了!正所謂一年容易又中秋,紅葉的到來,亦意味着大自然季節的變更。這篇文章正正整合了在東京觀賞紅葉的最佳地點。 也許在東京,觀賞紅葉的熱潮未及櫻花季節般狂熱,但日本紅葉的獨有魅力,絕對是個出外郊游的好理由! 1. …
到東京就當然要去二手市集尋寶喇!幾乎於每個的週末和公眾假期,你都能夠輕易找到很多正在營業的跳蚤市場。 …
Get ready for some of the best traditional Japanese festivals, fireworks, and cosplay of the year.
Updated weekly with discount offers.
Summer is here, and it's time to board a "booze cruise".
Now with a shiny Guinness World Record. Ticket prices go up July 22.
Expect smaller crowds and fewer high-rises obstructing your view than in Tokyo.
森大廈數位藝術美術館:teamLab Borderless重開了!準備好跟我們一起進入個奇幻世界嗎? 全新的 teamLab Borderless 於 2024 年 2 …
Get your yukata and picnic basket ready — here's a round-up of festivals both big and small.
River rafting, cozy cafés, hot springs — and more, just 90 minutes from Shinjuku.
Full guide to the routes, rules, packing, sleeping — and sunrise.
Spoiler: It's a nifty little discount pass for art enthusiasts — and there's still time to use it.