Hit the Coffee Spot at Hipster Cafes in Tokyo
The best coffee spots in the city with reasonable prices and oftentimes free wifi.
The best coffee spots in the city with reasonable prices and oftentimes free wifi.
With hot springs and beaches, Atami is a great year-round day-trip destination from Tokyo.
For the most pleasant afternoon, this Daikanyama Walking tour features an historic wooden house, modern architecture, hip cafes and a park in the sky!
A top 5 list of burger joints by Brian, one of our fav Tokyo tweeters.
FULL GUIDE to Healthy Eating in Tokyo. Find the best places to buy organic vegetables, healthy and vegetarian produce, restaurants and farmers' markets.
We and the laser cats have popped the champagne in honor of five years of Tokyo Cheapo. We celebrated with a small "VIP" party for our team members, supporters and friends. Tokyo Chapter kindly hosted the party for us at their awesome new …
We were interviewed by Shingetsu News Agency a few days ago about our story and philosophical musings on why the world needs more cheapos!
A medium-difficulty hiking route near Tokyo taking you through Mt. Nokogiri, Mt. Otake and Mt. Mitake boasting beautiful views of the surrounding area. Guide info: Route, duration, access, altitude, preperation
When to travel, which airline to go with, the cheapest place to transfer and more.
Yokocho—one of Tokyo and Japan's best kept secrets
Tokyo is a truly vast sprawling city, and one of the absolute "must-do" things here is getting a view of it from up on high. Chief Cheapo video presenter Angela An (of Internationally Me fame) hosts the first video on our brand new Tokyo Cheapo …
As a reward for scrimping and saving, every good cheapo deserves a beach break once in a while, and the Tokyo area has plenty of suitable options for just that. Donut-float-and-sandal-clad cheapos can find themselves at one of Tokyo's nearest …
Sit back and get to know Martin Holtkamp as we chat with him on how he's beaten a path through the jungle of professional photography in Tokyo.
Okay, this post is at best only tenuously related to Tokyo, but if you've read more than an article or two on Tokyo Cheapo you'll know we like the gratuitous overuse of photoshopped dogs, cats and laser cats. And actually it's my website anyway, …
Here's a fun way to start off your Nippon-infused 2016: with everyone's guilty pleasure—a list post—of our favorite Tokyo tweeters (or at least Japan related) broadcasting their opinions, anecdotes and banter unto the twitterverse. I've …
If you've been Japan for more than 5 seconds and had any interaction with the opposite sex here, you'll no doubt have already experienced some "Lost in translation" style mishaps from smashing against the language barrier and cultural …
See the best costumes of Tokyo Halloween 2016. Shibuya Hallowen 2014 – It was bonkers here last night, and that’s putting it lightly! At the start of the evening it was already pretty crowded with costumed merrymakers arriving from every …
The streets of Tokyo are quite often a colorful delicatessen of delicious and bizarre eye candy. So, we've decided to start a periodic column providing you with some select highlights from some of the random curiosities we've spied whilst out …
THE LASER CATS ARE ON A MORAL CRUSADE The laser cats were spawned from a top-secret laboratory. Army generals were developing a weapon of war to vanquish their enemies by fusing feline cuteness with the world's most powerful hair removal laser. …
Following on from my last article about hiking the Koburi pass, I have another easy Saitama hike for you outdoor cheapos. This particular hike to Kinchakuda and Mount Hiwada is a gentle stroll through some woods and only a relatively minor climb …
Download Podcast Pets in Tokyo To discuss the art of successful ownership of pets in Tokyo, we’re joined this week by rabbit handler and cheapo extraordinaire Aaron Baggett. Owning pets in Tokyo can be tricky and expensive, with many landlords …
Many people who want to go hiking near Tokyo usually end up at one of a handful of rather popular (busy) hiking spots, however being Japan (which is something like 80% mountains) the Tokyo area is still absolutely stuffed with hiking options and …
Download Podcast In this podcast episode your intrepid Cheapos venture into the deepest darkest depths of Akihabara. With their guide Aaron Baggett, Cheapo extraordinaire and author of our book "A Cheapo's Guide To Akihabara", hear them dodge …