Why Are Videogames So Interesting?
Access to 120 game cabinets and console setups to help you answer that question.
Access to 120 game cabinets and console setups to help you answer that question.
Who doesn’t know what a geisha is? Apparently most people: they aren’t prostitutes, they aren’t exclusive to Kyoto and …
Offering art-loving travelers the unique experience of staying in a functional work of art.
The sun is coming out and what better way to explore Japan on a relaxed weekend than with some local specialties? This …
I have never met a single person who didn’t cry during that first montage of UP, and I hope I never do. Pixar has …
Over the years, Tokyo Marathon has acquired a reputation for having runners in wacky costumes. One runner even dressed …
Awhile back when I was out for karaoke, something terrible happened. I had song-selection block. I simply …
With winter giving way to spring, it’s time to welcome the new season with another roundup of events worth attending. …
Weighing in at 4,000 tons and big enough to hold the Nara Daibutsu in the palm of its hand, the Ushiku Daibutsu in …
Tourism in Japan is climbing, with well over 20 million visitors expected annually by the 2020 Olympics. With a great …
If you haven’t read any of my previous posts, please know that I am a bit of a car guy. That is actually one of …
It’s nearly two weeks into 2016. Did you welcome the New Year the Japanese way—hatsumode (a temple or shrine …
My first experience with an actual kofun was rather awkward: I had spent a very tiring and extremely hot day at Zojoji …
The major year-ender for geeks is Winter Comiket (short for “Comic Market”), a time when doujinshi …
Before you ever stepped foot on Japanese soil, you probably envisioned a society in complete integration with …
The 44th running of the Tokyo Moto Show started October 29th and is running through November 8th so you still have time …
Although Tokyo’s been having an unusually warm autumn, the chilly weather that Tokyoites had experienced for a …
After the craziness that was Halloween, I was looking forward to attending an event that had less people, less Minions …
See the best costumes of Tokyo Halloween 2016. With Halloween Eve behind us and All Hallows’ Eve upon us, …
See the best costumes of Tokyo Halloween 2016. Shibuya Hallowen 2014 – It was bonkers here last night, and that’s …
As I made my way from Tokyo Teleport Station, the familiar sound of squealing tires echoing off the surrounding …
See our guide to Tokyo Halloween celebrations 2016. Gather round, cheapo ghoulies and ghosties; the haunting season has …
If the Edo Tokyo Museum is for not just Edo lovers but anyone interested in Tokyo, then the Fukagawa Edo Museum is more …
The Japanese magazine Metro Walker recently ran an article explaining how readers could “climb four mountains” in Tokyo …